And already dragged away...
My Wife, Beth, and young son ,Wilf, have just come in and disturbed me - so 15 minutes of Kids TV later, and I'm back.
I think kids TV may feature in this Blog from time to time, so please bear in mind , I am upto the minute when it comes to current childrens TV... This is not going to be a retro fueled wasn't the 80's TV great... This will be all "Story Makers" and "In the Night Garden" and "Underground Ernie"... Ok and maybe a bit of old stuff.
Starting off on this theme, I give you exhibit A .

Mr Benn.
A seventies kids programme that you just have to mention and people of a certain age go all misty eyed. They all mention the Red Knight episode, the cowboy and especially the shopkeeper.
Now , I would put it to these people who tell us how great old things are and poor the new stuff is, and how the teletubbies are perverting the minds of our little ones; Mr Benn is rubbish.
I've watched a few recently and they are an insult to the the kids they are aimed at. I honestly believe the only reason my "generation" look back fondly is the fact that we have all done too many drugs, and haven't actually watched the programme for say, twenty years.
The animation is, well, it isn't really animation. It's more a still picture they move around in front of the camera. And as pictures go, it isn't very good. The colouring is wishy washy, the characters badly defined, and the lack of action is quite frranlkly... subduing.
How kids don't fall asleep whilst watching ... or maybe that's why we all (allegedly) used to play out so much!
Now you can watch, all manner of awesome programming 24 hours a day on a myriad of different channels - no wonder obesity is on the rise and the TV is becoming the new parent to our country!
Before I sign off (again!) I would just like to say that some kids programmes of yesteryear are, well, great.
Now go watch Chorlton and thw Wheelies!