Over the past week or so I have discovered Charlie Brookers Screen Wipe.
Now some of you will say what's the big deal, hardly new - but for it was the first I'd heard of him. Don't get me wrong, I did a little bit of research for this and discovered some of the other stuff he has done (all stuff I like), but it was the first time I had come across him face to face so to speak.
The above mentioned screen wipe (now into its 4th series) is, well, brilliant. Why have I never seen it before you ask? and I reply "I don't know!".
His humour and cutting satire are all on the bullet and spot on in ripping to pieces the media monster which essentially runs our lives.
So why don't I like it you ask? Go on - you know you want to...
Well he's great, and I agree with pretty much all he says, and he's funny, in fact he is doing everything I want to be doing and saying! Last year I discovered Mark Steel and his lectures on BBC Four, which I loved, but it wasn't really what I wanted to be doing. As you know I love Bill Hicks, but I don't want to stand up and do comedy (just steal the odd gag every now and then)
But the screen wipe programme just hit the nail on the head for everything I want this blog to be!
I may as well stop writing now and just put "WATCH CHARLIE BROOKS SCREEN WIPE INSTEAD" across the top of the page.
As mentioned I did a bit of research on old Charlie and found his Guardian TV review of Comics Britannia (Another BBC Four documentary I meant to watch but missed!) and in it he speaks about Danday Xtreme - a topic I spoke about in early August - Over a month before Mr Brooker! - And we agree!The article is here -
So there, who's on the morale high ground now, that we err agree and stuff, and you're earning a living at it and I'm writing to about ten people on a crappy blog. DOH!
Any way, what are you all doing reading this when you could be watching TV instead!
Don't you just hate it...