Well it's very nearly Christmas - and I know I'm getting old when I say its comes around quicker every year. More to the point of my life and times and this blog, I cannot believe it is over a month since I last posted anything. The angry mob is out to get me. Again.
You'll be pleased to hear I can blame the evil media powers for this, namely "Rome:Total War" PC game and, I am somewhat ashamed to say the latest series of "I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here".
I know, I know I really should know better and it is one of the main targets of this very blog, but I just happened to catch the first episode, and after that, I just couldn't stop. Every night was spent watching these 2 bit poncy "celebrities" (the majority of whom I had no idea what they were allegedly famous for) sitting round a fire, eating bugs, arguing and moaning about how hard done to they were.
I tell you, it's like crack cocaine. A bit more-ish.
I was even finding Ant and Dec to be quite funny, or maybe that should be cruel. Either way, it made me chuckle more than I should have.
Highlights of the dross included Rodney "Down to Earth / Man of the People" Marsh, slipping down a short drop and "damaging" his knee. He was carried dragged back to the camp in agony. I think he said something like "...when you're a top athlete like myself when you damage something, you just know when its something serious... and this is something serious. It'll be the cartilage or Ligament. It's gone. Totally gone. That's me out if it."
After a night at a medical centre, he was returned to the camp. A slightly twisted knee.
As to the other reason for my lack of "blogging" action, Rome:Total War. Anyone who has played this game will know what I mean.
I'll sign off there wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Here's to lots of writing in 2008!
I guess you all know want to know who won I'm a celebrity? I couldn't tell you, it has now passed from my mind...now then, Rome calls!