- After a great first half to the season under Sven and new owner "Frank" Shinawatra, the team stutters to the end of the season.
- As neighbours Stretford Rangers march toward another Premiership title, city throw a way a two goal lead to lose 3-2 in their last home game of the season. The players lap of honour is greeted by boos and a near empty stadium.
- After the game, it is reported by various newspapers that Sven is to be fired at the end of the season... but he will stay in charge for the final two games...and a post season trip to Thailand.
- It is reported by the newspapers that the players are in open revolt, threatening to boycott the tour of Thailand unless Sven stays. United win again to get one hand on the premiership.
- Sven talks the team out of boycotting the trip and they prepare for the final game of the season, where the players will presumably prove to the owner how much they want Sven to stay.
- They lose 8-1 to middlesboro...8-1... That isn't a typo.
- They learn they are also on the verge of a place in the UEFA cup through the fair play league. This is thrown into doubt as a large part of our demise in the final game was our Captain, Richard Dunne, being sent off.
- United win the title. City in a shambles.
- The media report that Chairman Frank has put the entire squad up for sale and has sent a letter to each of them telling them exactly what he thinks of them. It is further reported that former Chairman John Wardle has personally apologised to the players for selling the club to the former Thai Prime Minister.
- Meanwhile, the team, with Sven still in charge, set off to the aforementioned tour of Thailand...
I should probably stop there as anyone reading this who doesn't know about City will probably think I am making it up.
You may even be thinking why am I having a go at the media and not the meglomanic with all the money who bought the club I love? Well, the latest development to the store is that the club has started legal action various newspapers for fabricating the stories mentioned above. (Unfortunately the 8-1 wasn't a lie)
The team (and Sven), on their arrival in Thailand were guests of honour at a lavish banquet laid on by Chairman Frank, and it has been confirmed we will be playing in the UEFA Cup next year.
SO, is this the happy ending?
Who knows, my money is on the team, having been duped into a Bangkok brothel and photographed with Lady boys are then left to rot in a Thai prison, whilst Dr Shinawatra assembles a new team (who he manages himself) and United go on to win the Champions League!
When do we get the happy ending? Trust in the good Doctor, you don't get elected twice and become a billionaire by making bad decisions.
And don't forget, this isn't our City... it's Franks...