Having meandered round the office feeling older and older, and all the "kids" with their ipods and Internet / multi-media playing / photo taking / all singing all dancing / even does the washing up mobile phones, I couldn't help but overhear them going on about this "Face book" thing.
My instant reaction, my Luddite views kicking in, was to ignore it and hope it would go away. Next step was to ban it, but when my age peers started going on about it I knew I could ignore it no longer.
I signed up.
Three days in, and I can safely say it is absolute crap.
And I just cannot leave it alone. I swear almost every minute since I signed up I've been on. Looking, searching delving, moseying about. Putting in random names and groups just to see what comes up, looking at endless pictures of slightly drunk people huddled together in bars.
I find myself pleased when I come across someone I went to school with 15 years ago, and asking them to "Be my friend". I wouldn't even recognise these people if I walked past them in the street - and if I did I would look away and pretend to not see them.
I may be stating the obvious, but it is just Friends re-united, without the blue rinse brigade.
Since I started writing this blog I've been back about 6 times to check if any of my "friends" are logged on - or if anyone has updated my "Wall".
In fact, back in a minute...
...Nope, no one has said anything... although I've got 28 friends now! (I then look at the unpopular smelly acne laden kid from school and he's got 23 thousand....hhmmm)
Every time I see the heading " What are you doing at the moment" I just want to type "Looking at face book" - It's like the 21st century equivalent of "Sex - Yes Please!!!!" filled in on random forms.
My only problem which I know will happen is that I will spend every minute on it now... and then realise that there is just tumbleweed going across my screen and I'll drift away.
And then something dead important will happen, and I'll miss it!
Oh well, I guess I might look as often as I update my blog!
Back to face book now!
1 comment:
15 years ago - who are kidding - more like twenty somthing!!!
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