Having moved in just over a month ago now (See I'm not just slow doing this blog you know!) I've finally managed to get some time off work to actually spend some time here, help look after the boys, and do a few of those little jobs to make the house a home.
Several days in and I can tell you what deep down I really already knew.
I hate DIY and - hand on heart - I'm not very good at it.
I really think with the time and the right tools I could probably make a good fist of things... but these things just snowball don't they?
Anyone who saw the front door at our old house will know what I mean.
I'm currently busy re-hanging doors. Yep. A disaster just waiting to happen.
Having bought a house which is on a bit of a slant doesn't really help...
When I'm not breaking stuff with paint and tools I've been spending quite a lot of time handing money over to IKEA. I'm not sure how we've managed to spend over £1000 without buying anyone big piece of furniture!
On our latest visit we fell for the classic "Eye's bigger than" trap of thinking my Honda Civic is a Ford Transit van.
After stacking the trolley high with bookcases and cupboards and all sorts of other assorted tat, we got to the car and started the jigsaw job of fitting it all in, along with the wife and a baby (we managed to "Leave" Wilf with the grand parents) I set about putting seats down, and seats forward, and baby chairs in, and baby chairs out, all in the pouring rain I'd like to point out. (Why does it always rain in situations like this?)
At one point it was agreed that Beth and Eddy would have to stay behind (in the cafe of course) whilst I drove home, emptied the car and drove back to collect them.
With this in mind, we still couldn't actually fit everything in.
A good 45 minutes in, we conceded defeat and tail tucked firmly between our legs we sheepishly made our way to the home delivery office, conveniently located just yards from the area in which we'd been struggling. I wonder how many people they film and submit the videos to you've been framed.
My wallet another £40 lighter we left to await delivery at the weekend! and then the fun can really begin!
As a footnote to this story, whilst picking up random stuff at the Swedish supermarket I saw a nice 6 pick of wine glasses for £2.99 - a bargain - and as we've only got 3 left from the previous set - and I do hate mis matched glasses - I chucked them into the trolley.
They make it through the car loading scenario, all the way home, just ready for me to drop them on the way in.
3 broken, 3 survivors - so now we've got 6 mismatching glasses!
Doh! - where did I put that bottle opener.. .
1 comment:
The door is good baby - now no more blogging, surfing or socalising until you finished all the little bits you already started on (including clearing up behind you as go) next on the list PLEASE:
-return the bath panel
-look at flush & replace
-finish the 'glory hole' or pantry as you prefer me to call it!
-look at & finish the linen cupboard (find somewhere in the shed to store your tools)
-put the mirror on the wall
& if you could put up the table shelf thingie up before you go back to work too that would be good:)
(...will greet you if not :)
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