I've been speaking to my wife Beth who has shown some amazement at me creating a blog - apparently she's had one for some time! Oh well, it's good to be up to date!
Her piece of advice was that the more interesting blogs are those with a theme, rather than the scatter gun approach of random topics.
Bugger. There goes Plan A.
Looking at what I've written so far on here, I guess my theme will have to be....
(Drum role)
Media, and how it pervades all aspects of our lives.
Yep, that pretty much covers it. I can now "officially" go on about TV, books, films, music and the Internet - and that's before I even get to overthrowing the western world and civilisation as we all know it by attacking the media !

As we go along I'll also try and add some links to favourite sites - and those that keep me amused... Which I guess brings me on to a whinge at the Internet !
Hey! Nothing like biting the hand that, well delivers this message to you all.
When did the Internet become so rubbish? Is it just me or is it purely a vehicle for selling stuff ? Just adverts taking you down endless links for products you don't really want? What happened to the endless possibilities, data on anything at your fingertips - the Information Superhighway?
I guess there's the odd gem, the wikipedias, the blogs I suppose, but even the bulk of these are laden with adverts - just trying finding a map of Manchester from the turn of the century. Lots of people willing to sell me one, but nothing to actually look at!
So all you get on the Internet is adverts and Porn. I have to admit this, purely for the punchline, but I was surfing for porn a couple of months back (Just for research you understand) when my PC was taken over by pop-up messages.
You know the ones. At the most inopportune moment a message pops up which you really don't need, and certainly don't want to see.
And the pop up in question? What foul imagery was dragged up from the pits of the information superhighway ?
An advert for a mobile phone? I was looking at porn! - naked people doing unspeakable things to each other, and I get a pop up for the latest Nokia, or Samsung or whatever it was.
What can I say. The moment was lost.
I would like you all to imagine the full connotations of this. The last two human beings in the universe are sat, side by side. The whole future of mankind is relying on a single act of procreation.
"Well I guess we should, but I just want to download this crazy frog ring tone first..."
The moment is gone, human kind is no more... To finish with Bill -
"...and I believe the next line is Jesus wept..."
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