Well, anyone who knows me will be amazed it has taken this long to get onto football - or more specifically, Manchester City.
The best team in the land and all the world (So the song goes!)
After my lovely wife and wonderful Son, comes Manchester City (A very close third! - to the extent we couldn't set a wedding date until the fixtures had been released for the season and the day after Wilf was born I "abandoned" the wife and newborn to go to a match...)
I guess a reason today for putting this on my blog, and its alleged "media" links is the hard press we are currently getting with regard our new owner, Dr Thaksin Shinawatra, or as he prefers Frank Sinatra (Enter your own gag here about doing it his way...)
It strikes me as a little unfair the hard time he is being given in the media, coming over as somewhere between Saddam Hussein and Tony Blair (Okay he's not quite that unpopular ;)
As far as I can see, he was twice democratically elected (overwhelmingly) to be Prime Minister of his country, was then ousted in a coup to be replaced by a military dictatorship who then went on to accuse him of every crime under the sun.
And the British media and various human rights groups take the side of ... yep the new military junta!
Now don't get me wrong, civil rights figure pretty highly on my radar of important stuff to do before breakfast but... a little perspective and fairness here. I agree that nobody that rich doesn't have any skeletons (figuratively) in the closet - you have to step on a few toes to become a world leader (And perhaps his comments on the UN "not being his Father" were ill judged.)
And more to the point do Amnesty realise the can of worms they are opening in investigating him?
Can we expect Civil rights demonstrators - or more to the point United Nations inspectors at Eastlands next season? Do they realise what the average City fan has been through over the last 5, 10, 30, 100 odd years ? They don't have the man power to cover everyones heartache and concerns.
I think it is more than they can handle... just mention David Pleats White loafers and grown men cry.

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